I am writing this in North Norfolk, a part of the country we love. We are staying in the most amazing house which has been decked for Christmas with no less than three Christmas trees, some of the family will be joining us later in the week for our beautiful nieces’ wedding.
Family coming together to share in the joy of two young people showing their love for one another by exchanging vows.
As it should be.
And yet the last week I was involved in discussion and interviews, talking about the complete opposite.
The total breakdown of families.
I was joined by Dame Esther on Radio 5, then I went to the BBC Bristol studio to take part in Women’s Hour followed by hours on the phone talking to a journalist for a double spread in the Sunday Express.
All on the same subject, the emotional abuse that is caused by alienating grandchildren from a loving and caring relationship with their grandparents, the curse of this generation.
Media always use emotive headlines, something to bring out the keyboard warriors the trolls and the perpetrators of alienation. You only have to read the comments online under articles such as this to see what I mean.
Grandparents become the target.
No-one asks what is this doing to the grandchildren?
These children are confused, angry, sad and they are used as weapons in unhealthy adult behaviour of which they have no say or control.
Always asking why?
Maybe we need to think about Christmas, the true meaning of Christmas for me, is all about a little child, a special little baby born in a manger, surrounded by love and expectation.
Our grandchildren were also born surrounded by love, how did it all go wrong?
Many of our grandchildren will have taken part in their schools nativity, they will have been learning their lines with pride.
Sadly far too many estranged and alienated parents and grandparents will not be able to share these special moments.
The memory makers.
I am also thinking of the grandparent who has spent hours buying and wrapping Christmas presents for their grandchildren, but instead of being able to see the magic in the eyes of the children as she gives them to the children, she will be taking these presents to her solicitor who will pass them on.
I don’t know what to say to grandparents who have to go through these horrendous things, and yet remain standing, fighting for the rights of grandchildren.
Their resilience is outstanding.
Many have faced false allegations against them, harassment warnings for sending presents, have sat in court and listened to vile things said about them leaving them feeling like criminals.
We must continue to stand firm, together, for the sake of the children and grandchildren.
Alienated parents groups and Grandparent groups must join together, remember that the Christmas story is one of HOPE.
Hope that will see as through.